Stress, Anxiety and Mental Health issues can affect anyone, and impact business Performance and Productivity.

At Sam Adkins Wellness, we have a wealth of experience in delivering an effective and supportive online learning programs for mental health and well-being. We can work with you to create bespoke, online or workshop based, Health and Well-Being programs; and offer a large range of plug and play online resources and programs to support the mental health and wellbeing of your employees. 

Crucial, is having key leaders and managers trained in how to work with direct reports with mental health challenges so they can be supportive whilst developing these individuals in a safe and productive way. We can deliver a coaching program for key individuals to ensure a greater skill level in this area. 

Our programs can be delivered virtually, or in person, and we are experienced in creating customised blended learning and support programs with virtual 'surgeries', one on ones and specialised coaching for individuals and teams. 

Stress, Anxiety and Mental Health issues can affect anyone, and impact business Performance and Productivity.

At Sam Adkins Wellness, we have a wealth of experience in delivering an effective and supportive online learning programs for mental health and well-being. We can work with you to create bespoke, online or workshop based, Health and Well-Being programs; and offer a large range of plug and play online resources and programs to support the mental health and wellbeing of your employees. 

Crucial, is having key leaders and managers trained in how to work with direct reports with mental health challenges so they can be supportive whilst developing these individuals in a safe and productive way. We can deliver a coaching program for key individuals to ensure a greater skill level in this area. 

Our programs can be delivered virtually, or in person, and we are experienced in creating customised blended learning and support programs with virtual 'surgeries', one on ones and specialised coaching for individuals and teams. 

Corporate well-being programs are an essential part of maintaining your employees' health and well-being, both physically and psychologically. Studies show that a higher level of mental wellness in employees is associated with greater productivity, job satisfation and better job rentention rates. This directly positively impacts your bottom line.

Organisations that deliver effective Health and Well-Being programs to their staff, maximise productivity by reducing sick leave.  One in five Australians (21%) have taken time off work in the past 12 months because they felt stressed,anxious, depressed or mentally unhealthy. This figure more than doubles (46%), in a workplace that empolyees consider as mentally unhealthy. (Find more information here.)

Take a Look at our Stress and Anxiety Platform

Reach Your Organisational Health & Well-Being Goals with us

Programs & Workshops

Do you need an organisational Well-being Program?

We can create a customised program for your company or we can suggest a program suitable for your needs. All programs and workshops can be delivered virtually or in person.

Note: Currently with COVID-19 all our programs are virtual.

Vision Board

Individual Coaching

Well-being issues such as stress & anxiety affect individuals, productivity and the bottom line.  

We recommend putting your key people through a Well-Being coaching program with a stress management focus, to enable them to work smarter not harder. We can also deliver key training to your leaders to assist them to effectively manage and develop individuals with mental health challenges. 

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Wellbeing Consultancy

Do you need an in house program that you can deliver yourselves?

We can offer our expertise, experience, support and program design services to help you create your own in house blended learning program. This is a cost effective option for SME’s

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A keynote speech on well-being or stress and anxiety at an event or meeting, can set the right tone for discussion.

Sam Adkins can speak on a variety of well-being topics such as Anxiety in the Workplace, Work/Life Balance, & Managing Stress

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For enquiries


Take a virtual tour of our Flagship Program: 

The Anxiety Freedom
Online Program

Take a virtual tour of our

Stress and Anxiety
Online Course Platform